I´m MIMI, a jewelry artist from Buenos Aires, currently based in Barcelona.

Pastrocchio is an Italian word that means mess. It echoes in my mind from childhood, when I would get bored at adult gatherings and start playing with whatever I could find on the table—bread crumbs, candle wax, toothpicks. “Stop making pastrocchio!” my parents would say. I was just a child, creating.

As the years went by, I connected with art in various forms, but it was jewelry that truly captivated me. I promised myself never to lose that pastrocchio spirit; make jewelry crafting a way to explore the inner realms of my soul, and to rekindle the connection to my authentic self.

My workbench is my playground and STROKIO is the space where I share the desires of my soul, echo my personal memories, and materialize my inner world.